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Common Misconceptions:

  • Hemophilia is an x-linked recessive disease leaving males far more susceptible to getting it than females, however it is still possible for females to get the disease.
  • People with hemophilia don't bleed more profusely or more quickly than other people. Their lack of normal clotting simply prolongs the bleeding, it doesn't accelerate it.
  • Hemophiliacs do not bleed a lot from minor cuts. External wounds are not usually serious, it is the hemorrhages and internal bleedings that cause the most serious health threats for hemophiliacs (Lee).


  • ​​Susceptibility to bruising
  • uncontrolled bleeding, internal bleeding, and hemorrhages
  • Patients with severe forms of the disease experience spontaneous bleeding that consists of soft tissue hematomas (filling with blood), and intracranial hemorrhages in addition to minor hemorrhages like epistaxis (nose bleed) and ecchymoses (essentially bruising, discoloration of the skin caused from bleeding underneath)
  • Individuals with moderate forms of the disease experience bleeding after minor traumas, and hemorrhages after major traumas or surgeries.
  • Hemophiliacs often experience hemorrhages in joints,  especially the knees, ankles and elbows.
  • If bleeding occurs in a vital organ, such as the brain, a hemophiliac's life becomes in eminent danger.
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